NOOR — A Star Is Born by Manmeet Singh Chadha

NOOR — A Star Is Born by Manmeet Singh Chadha "Noor: A Star is Born" is an impactful and aggressive novel investigating the intricacies of notoriety, character, and human connections. The story follows Noor, a youthful and gifted vocalist who ascends to fame, exploring the relentless music industry and defying individual evil spirits. This story held a mirror to humankind, featuring exactly how conceited individuals can be regarding cash, power, and status. It was difficult to read and see how certain individuals endure and others exploit that enduring without even batting an eye. The book shows both the highs of desire and the lows of shame—how some ascend while others fall, turning out to be practically abandoned. It left me pondering profoundly the intricacies of human instinct and the expense of self-centredness. The story is a personal excursion of Noor, and the book portrays her battles and treacheries. The tale of the revelation of her voice and her ascent to p...